Small and Large Biz - Your IT Support Challenges are the Same

According to Gartner Research, a company that generates 1.5 million in annual revenue spends an average of $82,000 a year on IT support and technology (between three and eight percent). Although small businesses spend less than larger corporations, small and medium companies are concerned with the same primary issues as large corporations: The Cloud, Mobile Device Management, and Data Backup. 

Another thing the three have in common (small, medium, and large companies), is an overall trend of using a mix of cloud and onsite solutions to reach technology goals. Most are not comfortable with a 100% cloud based solution, and many are savvy enough to know that 100% onsite isn't the best, either.  But, what goes where? It's hard to know without assessing where you are, and where you want to be.  

Security is the most common concern with regards to the cloud, followed by reliability.  Sometimes, it rains in the cloud. 

With regards to backup - either it's backed up, or it isn't.  There is no gray area when it comes to data backup and recovery solutions, and a bad backup solution is a double whammy, because it gives you a false sense of security, and prolongs your perceived need to make the necessary changes to ensure your data is protected. The pain surrounding data loss is the worst motivator, because the disaster has already happened.  We see this too often. 

Mobile is new to many, and the idea of having to manage employee's personal devices and determine safe and effective policies for incorporating BYOD (bring your own device) into your network is a challenge business owners rarely faced a few years ago.  Now it's expected of you to include these devices in your plan, and support them.

it support computer room

Managed Services is an excellent way to tackle the challenges listed above, and more.  We can't convince you of this in a blog post, but we are willing to offer you a free consultation via phone or in person to see if a laying a blanket of Managed Services atop your network would help you sleep better at night. It's not right for everyone (take Crocodile Dundee, for example), but for those with computers, servers, and networks, it's a solution worth considering.



About The Author

President of NSI, Tom has been helping small and medium businesses succeed in Connecticut for over 25 years.