Are you a business owner? Do you blog? We’re looking to follow local businesses who blog, tweet, or write for regional, trade or other publications, in an effort to provide well-rounded, helpful information to other NSI customers.
NSI has thousands of great clients located throughout the Northeast, and they range from the soloprenuer, to corporations with 100+ employees. Do you, or does anyone from your company publish ongoing content? If so, would you be interested in allowing my Client Services Team to share links, articles, tweets, etc with our customer base? Why should we promote information from a CPA, Dentist, Lawyer, or Manufacturer located in California, when you may be located right here in New England, and publishing helpful information our customers can use?
As a business owner myself, I am continually on the lookout for good local connections, advice, and ideas. Providing helpful information to our customers is important to me.